Two agents from the FDA visited us on Tuesday,July 17, 2007 and ordered that we stop making and selling DCA. Unfortunately, the site ordering was shut down.
It is against US government law to sell substances with the suggestion that they are cancer treatments unless they are approved by the FDA.
DCA can still be obtained from pharmacies with a prescription and from chemical companies.
To keep you informed and abreast of new developments and potential cancer treatments, will continue.
Thank you for all your support.
Jim Tassano & the DCA Team
A Call for Political Action:
Do you think it is fair that a terminally ill patient is not allowed access to low-cost, effective treatments just because these treatments are not FDA-approved, or your doctor is unwilling to help you?
When your doctor says that he or she has done all that can be done and you are sent home with pain-killers and instructions to contact hospice, don't you think that you should have a chance to try these materials?
Thousands of people on this site have self-medicated using DCA with great responsibility and success. And often with amazing results.
1. The FDA has no effective provision for the development of un-patentable drugs. The entire system is based on patents and private money. Even the Orphan Drug Act works by manipulation of the patent and exclusivity system.
2. DCA is not the only unpatentable drug that is effective against cancer. There are many others and they too have little to no future.
3. These compounds might save your life. But you cannot have them. It is against the law.
4. The foremost human right is the right to life.
5. It is your body and it should be your choice. If diagnosed with a terminal disease, we should have the right to access compounds that might save our lives.
6. We am calling for action at the state level. We am in California. The voters here approved marijuana as a medical treatment. If the voters can approve a controlled substance for medical use, then they are likely to support the use of DCA and other cheap and effective compounds for cancer and other terminal medical conditions.
To that effect, we will soon uploaded a version of a "Terminal Patient's Right to Life Act" that we would like to see introduced as a California State Proposition. Hopefully the citizens of other states can use this as a model for action and sweep this across the country.
We'll need a lot of help. Consider that marijauna is approved for medical use in California. If the voters here can approve medical marijuana, we think they will support this initiaitive.
Jim and Ilene Tassano and the DCA Team
Welcome to The DCA Site
This site is to help inform people of the exciting research done on DCA by scientists at the University of Alberta. In January 2007, a team of scientists at the University of Alberta published a paper in the scientific journal, Cancer Cell, describing the discovery that a simple, cheap molecule, DCA, worked to reactivate the apoptosis mechanism of cancer cells, causing rapid shrinkage of tumors in rats. Mitochondrial reactivation represents an entirely new approach to treating cancer.
The tumors shrank 70% in three weeks.
DCA is not patentable as a molecule. There is no incentive for private companies to spend the millions of dollars needed to get DCA approved as a cancer treatment by the FDA. This is where we, all of us, need to step in. We intend for to be the meeting place, for the world, where all the important information on DCA is gathered and shared.
This site gives the results of the Michelakis research, a look at the possible side effects of DCA and the prospects of it being used by YOU. We have posted the best summaries we can reach on dosages, side effect concerns and additional measures to take to help you fight cancer. Questions are answered and a chat room is provided.
To avoid any legal issues, we must state we are not doctors and cannot give medical advice.
DCA has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer. It can be prescribed "off-label" by your physician.
Please note that DCA is not active against all cancers. An excellent analysis by "Willis", which is supported by the limited feedback we are getting, indicates that sarcomas, for example, are not controlled by DCA. However, many cancers are definitely responding to DCA. Non small cell lung cancer patients, even in Stage 4 are showing good responses. We are seeing lymphatic, bladder and other cancers responding very well to DCA.
DCA is serious medicine. Study the material on the site. Read our dosage page.
We want to encourage everyone to use the Chat Room or ask the questions you want answered. We strongly recommend you join and register as a chat room user.
The site was first uploaded late on February 5th. The chat room was added February 8.
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