A Breast Cancer Story
by "Dimitrisk"
Important note: this is not a success story yet.
This is an email dated 31 October 2008. Dimistisk posts on the chat room.
At bottom of this page is a copy of his post of 25 February 2009
Dear Jim.
I have not sent you any report for the last 4 months, so I would try to catch up in this email.
A sort history of my sister's case:
February 22, 2008
She visited breast specialist about a tumor at lower edge of her right breast (close to sternum). Cut Scan showed a size of 52mm, and first hypothesis was that it was breast cancer. She was advised to do biopsy, then chemo for shrinking it, and after that surgery, radiation and chemo. My sister visited two more well known breast specialists who suggested about the same. She refused to do anything of those and started alternative treatment with herbs and vegan diet.
March 3, 2008
Cancer markers: CEA = 0.2 (<3), Ca125 = 65 (<35), Ca15-3 = 31 (<30)
April 4, 2008.
We found out about DCA and she started taking it at 11mg/Kg, 500mg B1, and 5 caps of double bag black tea. (5-2).
May 15, 2008
Cancer markers raised: CEA = 0.3 (<3), Ca125 = 105 (<35), Ca15-3 = 38 (<30) At this point of time, she added a few more supplements like R+Lipoic Acid, DHA, CoQ10, Green Tea extracts, and some more. She has also started checking her PH. It was found at 5.2, so she started taking baking soda (1 teaspoon,
2 times per day) and PH was improved at 6.90-7.40.
July 16, 2008
A new Cut Scan shows that tumor has increased in size to 59mm. We are panicked. So, she increases DCA dose to 22mg/Kg, and adds 4.5mg LDN.
August 10, 2008
Cancer markers: CEA = 0.1 (<3), Ca125 = 46 (<35), Ca15-3 = 24 (<30) Of course, we don't know anything about this tumor, thus markers are not very meaningful. However, it is better seeing them dropping. So, this was very good news.
August 25, 2008
My sister had a biopsy for first time (FNA). Surprisingly, biopsy showed a 70% dead tissue in her tumor. In two Cut Scans mentioned above they didn't use pigment, and so we don't know if tumor had dead tissue at first time. So, we cannot say for sure that this is a tumor characteristic or our treatment did the job. The biopsy failed to recognize the exact type of cancer, but as doctor told me, the whole pictures shows epithelial carcinoma that might be either from skin or from breast. It has no estrogen receptors, so it is more possible to be from skin.
At the next day my sister did an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) by a Radiotherapist. This is a new very low invasive method that might replace surgery at some time in the future. It is considered to kill 100% of cancerous cells, but can be applied only to solid tumors. It is not mainstream yet, so radiotherapist strongly recommended her to do a regular surgery very soon.
My sister has refused to do anything more, and continues her treatment with DCA at 20mg/Kg (4 days on 3 off), plus LDN and all other supplement. She has added Plantagon Major extracts that we grow in our yard. It is a very powerful herb used in traditional meditcine for cancer treatment and has strong cytotoxic effects
She is planning to do a new Cut Scan by February 2009 to see how things are going. Her spirit is really high, her health is great, and she is convinced that DCA does the job for her.
I hope she is right. I support her effort but I don't want to call DCA as working since the whole story is not very clear. So, I decided not to fill a survey, since I am not 100% sure what works and how. My personal impression is that DCA works for my sister but in doses >20mg/Kg.
I would like to thank you again for your help and for your great contribution to cancer community.
Best Regards,
And something more regarding 70% tumor necrocis found at biopsy.
As far as I know, DCA is an apoptotic drug. However, pathologist told me that there were just very few apoptotic cells in the sample. She added that apoptotic cells can turn into necrotic, but not into that high percentage she has found in this tumor. What I have read in most reposrts, DCA makes tumors shrink. This was not the case with my sister's tumor that kept growing in size. That happens because apoptotic cells are absorbed by the body, in contrary to necrotic ones that remain there for long time....
Best regards,
----------------- copy of chat room post 25 February 2009
A new topic has been posted in Testimonials ONLY forum.
"BC report. A microarray analysis and chemosensitivity t"
Posted by dimitrisk
Message URL: https://thedcasite.com/dcaforum/DCForumID2/266.html
My sister fights a breast cancer ER- since February 2008, without any chemotherapy so far. A full report up to last September is here https://thedcasite.com/dimitrisk_report.html. She is on DCA supplements since April and on LDN since July. On August she did an RFA and on December she did surgery and removed the tumor and a block of axillary lymph nodes that were found positive. A new CS after surgery showed possible lung metastasis (8mm) and she was advised to start chemotherapy. My sister does not want something like that, so she did a microarray analysis and chemosensitivity test on 25ml blood sample, that showed 63cells/ml circulating malignant cells (total cost 1300 euros).
There is a long list with full results and a lot of other usefull information, but I represent here only the no chemo stuff that works for my sister at a level > 5%.
1. We notice that in culture that contains the ascorbic acid we have increase of the cascade of caspase (especially 3 and 9) and cytochrom-c by 35% .
2. We notice that in the culture that contains quercetin we have inhibition of EGF by 45% and IGF by 30%
3. We notice that in culture that contains the c-statin we have increase of the cascade of caspase (especially 3 and 9) and cytochrom-c by 35%.
4. We notice that in culture that contains artesunate , there is inhibition of redox reaction and increase of intracellular free radicals , there is increase of cytochrome c (apoptosis) by 60% and the inhibition rate of VEGF is 40%, of FGF is 35% and of PDGF is 35%.
5. We notice that in culture that contains the superoxide dismutase we have increase of the cascade of caspase (especially 3 and 9) and cytochrom-c by 40% and the viability of the culture reduced by 35%.
6. We notice that in culture that contains the dichloroacetate (DCA) we have increase of the cascade of caspase (especially 3 and 9) and cytochrom-c by 35% .
7. We notice that in culture that contains the paw-paw we have increase of the cascade of caspase (especially 3 and 9) and cytochrom-c by 20%
DCA works, but is not as effective as artesunate. However, there is some difference between artemissinin and artesunate, and I don’t know if it would be better to put her in both ones. Also, I don’t know the right dose. I have read that a regular dose for artemissinin is 1000-1500 mg, but I couldn’t find anything about artesunate. I bought two bottles of artesunate from www.hepalin.com (it is quite expensive) and I have a lot of artemissinin form Doctor’s Best: http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?pid=7592 that is much cheaper. I’ve also read that she has to take it in the afternoon at least 3 hours after last meal.
I have also ordered all other stuff that seems effective from iherb, axcept vitamin C (ascorbic acid). I have learnt from here that only IV megadose C works, and it has to be taken under doctor’s supervision.
c-statin: http://www.skincareland.com/aic12.html
for superoxide dismutase (SOD) I ordered two brands:
Source Naturals, S.O.D., 2000 Units, 90 Tablets and Life Extension, SODzyme with GliSODin & Wolfberry, 90 Veggie Caps What do you think is the best one?
Finally, I would like to apologize for the long post, but we are trying to set up a protocol with all these sumplements, and we desperately need your advice. Any help is greatly appreciated.