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Michael Brown's Bladder Cancer Story

Michael Brown is the husband of Marilu Henner. They spoke at the 2008 Cancer Control Conference in Universal City, California.

They told an interesting, first hand story of Michael's fight with two primary cancers: a bladder cancer and a lung cancer. A DVD of the event is available from Mailbu Video. "MARILU HENNER, Actress, Author, Special Guest Speaker – “Changing Your ‘Normal’ In The Fight Against Cancer.”" If you are fighting bladder cancer, this video might be of help.

Michael had blood in his urine for two years before hooking up with Marilu, who promptly got things rolling to investigate it. he was ultimately diagnosed with two types of primary cancers: bladder and lung.

She tells a great story of how they went to see a top bladder cancer surgeon, Dr. S (I will not put his name here). Dr. S comes in and says "Man, are you lucky! We have an opening next Tuesday..." The doctor went on to say how they had nothing to worry about and he'd remove the bladder and build a new one out of his gut. And that he'd insert a unit into his penis that took only 6 pumps to enable them to have sex..." They opted against that approach.

Detoxification was a primary focus of his treatment ("the single most important thing"). He spoke of Iscador, an extract of mistletoe, as being a significant part of his therapy.

They used an infra-red sauna and a 'rebounder' ( a cheap small trampoline you can buy at Big 5) to increase his white blood cell count. He still uses the rebounder. He drinks 'gallons' of good clean mineral water daily and eats a vegan, plant-based diet.

Michael tried BCG (six treatments) for his bladder cancer and described it as "the most painful thing in the world", or at least close to it. However, the treatment did not seem to work.

Some great doctors that they recommended were:
Dr. Soram Khalsa
Dr. Keith Block of the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment.
The Paracelsus Klinik (a Switzerland clinic)
Dr. Neal Barnard of PCRM.org, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

And of course there is Marilu.com

Digressing somewhat, she spoke highly of Dr. Lorraine Bonte, who could tell that her son's orthodontics were ajar based on how he walked.

Michael had a nice quote: "..western therapies neglect the overall health of the body and focus on the disease and not on the patient"