Laurine Kress DCA survey form
email: ********
realname: Laurine Kress
New_or_update: new_survey
Patient_name: Laurine
Patient_type: human
Gender: female
Age: **
weight: **
Weight_units: pounds
Cancer_type: Adenocarcinoma of colon, Stage IV. Mets to abdomen, liver. 4 tumors in abdomen, 1 tumor in left lower liver.
Stage: Stage_4
sarcoma: carcinoma
cancer_comments: Complete blockage to colon, surgically removed 18 inches of colon and 80 lymph nodes. 8 of which were cancerous.
dca_duration: two_weeks
DCA_dose: 1/4 teaspoon with 4 ounces of water 1st thing upon wakening two weeks prior to chemotherapy.
frequency: once_a_day
DCAwork: Yes
why_or_why_not_does_DCA_work: currently showing no signs of cancer, CEA was 175.8 at high, now at 2.7 and holding. All tumors now do not show on PET scans
tumor_response: good_response
health: somewhat_better
DCA_response_comments: Appetite has greatly improved. more energy, etc.
Caffeine: Yes
cups_of_coffee: two_cups_a_day
cups_of_black_tea: null
cups_green_tea: null
cups_of_iced_tea: null
ounces_soda: 8_ounces
cups_of_energy_drinks: No_energy_drinks
Milk_cream_to_coffee_or_tea: yes
other_drink: Use non-dairy coffee creamer with coffee.
caffeine_comments: Pepsi used when drinking soda.
Alpha_lipoic_acid: unsure
CoQ10: no
fish_oil: no
flaxseed_oil: yes
pawpaw: unsure
serrapeptase: unsure
soy_genistein: unsure
St_johns_wort: unsure
Valeria: unsure
vitamin_B1: yes
vitamin_C: yes
vitamin_D: yes
Vitamin_E: yes
magnesium_: no
supplements: Multiple vitamin chewable. Multiple Enzyme capsule, and Protease Enzyme capsule.
Low_Fat_diet: no
Chocolate: eats_a_small_amount_of_chocolate
alcohol_consumption: null
sweets: eats_some_sweets
meat_consumption: eats_moderate_amounts_of_meat
diet_comments: While on chemo, ate black licorace to assist with nausea. Also 'grazed' with various protein bars. Drank protein drinks daily.
Chemotherapy: no
Radiation: no
Surgery: no
chemo_comments: Had surgery prior to chemo. Took chemo with 5-FU, oxi....? for 14 treatments every other week. I took DCA daily between chemo treatments beginning 3 days after and up until 2 days prior to the chemo based upon the days you are allowed the vitamins A,C,D, & E. I also took Vitamin B1 three times a day all the way through my chemo, adding vitamin B2, and multiple vitamin B2 as the chemo starting taking effect. Now under watch from Mayo clinic who has asked me to continue the DCA on a daily basis to keep Cancer from reoccurring.
Nexium: no
Prevacid: no
Prilosec: no
pantoprazole: no
Rabeprazole: no
Morphine: no
medications: Occasionally will take Lortab 5 mg for pain.
Sleepiness: no
Weakness_in_legs: no
stability: no
side_effects: weight gain.
working_with_a_doctor: yes
Does_doctor_know: Yes_supportive
still_using_DCA: yes
Permission: yes
mice: unsure
general_comments: Firmly believe the DCA saved my life. The doctors had given me absolutely no hope with my diagnosis. The doctors were not aware of my taking the DCA prior to my chemo and between chemo treatments until there was no more cancer found and my CEA number became normal. They are now aware of what I did and are supportive of my continuing with the DCA and am currently under watch with Mayo Clinic to my clinical progress.
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