DCA and CancerDCA as a Cancer Treatment - Sodium Dichloroacetate

EVA-PHARMA.COM is another dirty and dishonest
Mexican DCA sales site

Registration information. Key points: Hidden registration, new (27 September 2008), located in Mexico (see the server info)

They have blocked their source code from being viewed. More secrecy, as we used their source code before to show the links between the other sites. However, we accessed the code and it is written in Joomla!, like their other sites.

Their DNS servers are located in Mexico, in MONTERREY, the same place that BetterDCA and BestDCA are located.

For the FDA and the Mexican authorities, screen shots of the site are available. Please contact us for the link.

Stated on the site: " We refuse to carry low-cost, inferior quality Dichloroacetic Acid Sodium Salt (DCA) Sodium Dichloroacetate,and or any Product coming from CHINA OR ANY UNAUTHORIZED COMPANY as WE DISTRIBUTE HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS ONLY! WE CAN`T SIMPLY TRUST PRODUCTS FROM DOUBTFUL ORIGINS AND UNCERTAIN QUALITY."

We received an email from eva-pharma.com complaining about our posting of this page. They claim to buy their DCA from Alibaba.com. "Our Sodium dichloroacetate is purchased through alibaba.com through numerous companies which offer the product." Alibaba.com is a Chinese company. As you can see in the above paragraph, their web site claims it does not buy from China. Hmmm... I guess they got caught in another lie.

Additionally, they sent emails to numerous DCA purchasers from the list they had in the lab back when we were connected with it. The subject header was "Sodium Dichloroacetate (buydca)". This implied they were connected to buyDCA.com. (They are not). Are we to believe that this person used the email list of the Mexican lab but does not use the DCA it makes?

This is a copy of the letter they sent to people:

Good Day
This email is just to inform you about our new company site www.eva-pharma.com site in which we are currently distributing DCA Sodium Dichloroacetate,MMS,And Cuban Escozul.
These Are Leading And potential alternative Medicine Thearpies against Cancer.
Please Visit us and have a blessed day.

Please note that I am not a doctor and these are my personal opinions.

Notice it is signed Admin and that the writer added the note that he is not a doctor.

Well, I got a second email from them, threatening to sue me. It was signed like this:

Dr.Carlos Herrera

'Admin' clearly forgot he used a medical disclaimer on his original emails, stating he is not a doctor. Plus the disclaimer states they do not have a doctor on staff.

It is obvious the origin is the same dirty Monterrey DCA lab, using decomposed acid, made by the same people. And I will share this story: I had an email from one of their customers saying that after troubles with BetterDCA.com that they recommended she contact BestDCA.com. She did not know they were the same people. They are deceivers and scammers. Beware!

Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Registered through: DomainRightNow
Created on: 27-Sep-08
Expires on: 27-Sep-09
Last Updated on: 27-Sep-08

Administrative Contact:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599 Fax -- (480) 624-2598

Technical Contact:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599 Fax -- (480) 624-2598

Domain servers in listed order:

The Servers are in Monterrey Mexico:

monterrey, Nuevo Leon 64860

Registered through: DomainRightNow
Domain Name: ADPMEX.COM
Created on: 30-Jul-06
Expires on: 30-Jul-09
Last Updated on: 26-Jul-08

Administrative Contact:
toscano, israel wokpitt2@hotmail.com (he is not connected to Eva-phama.com)
monterrey, Nuevo Leon 64860
(818) 349-4741

Technical Contact:
toscano, israel wokpitt2@hotmail.com
monterrey, Nuevo Leon 64860

(818) 349-4741