We have here photographs of the product and copies of the documents sent by DCAadvice.com. The next page shows the scam site itself, clues to his identity and describes his plans to start pretending to be connected to the U of A with the goal of collecting DCA research donation money.
This scammer was not shipping DCA. And the supportive papers were fraudulent. We know this person also owns an online fraud business called alibistore.com,in which he creates phony doctor's excuses.
The first photo below shows what DCAadvice.com was selling to people. The used garlic powder jar contains some kind of talcum powder! Ilene did some tests and thinks it might be corn starch. It is highly perfumed. We did a melting point test and the number was beyond the range of the test equipment, somewhere over 300 degrees C.
We edited out the recipient's name for privacy. Note too that we are now getting reports from many people. Some received the "DCA" in vials, and others in used spice jars. All with phony documents that match those shown below.
Below the photos is a scan of his "Certificate of Analysis" from Dwyer Independent Chemistry Laboratories of Los Gatos, Ca. There is no such company! Notice no phone number, a ridiculous address, and the zip code, 90134, is not even a registered zip code. The USPS has not assigned it to any city. You cannot find a reference to this company anywhere on the web. Totally fake!
And then we have the 5 pages of instructions included with the package. Ilene believes he copied the list from wikipedia, as it matches almost perfectly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cancer_types and pasted to make his list. Then he made up all the numbers. And Ilene pointed out that he was not too consistent. If you look at the synonyms, he inserted different numbers often, for the same cancers. There is no way anyone can tell you what dose to take for any type of cancer. And "ketone strips" and "if you experience lactic acidosis"? This is insane!
At the bottom we have some screen shots of a live chat with them.
We know DCA and this is not DCA. Everything this guy said and did was a lie. It is not surprising for a guy whose site fraudulently claims to be connected to the University of Alberta (even after warnings from them), and whose site was full of outright lies and distortions.
If you have purchased from DCAadvice.com please contact us. If you are not pleased with your purchase, we suggest you immediately contact PayPal or your credit card company and get a refund, before he closes his account and runs.
Note (November 5, 2007). It appears they did close their paypal account. But try to collect anyway. Paypal needs to hear from you and there might be a system in place to allow recovery of your money.

This photograph shows a different product (this was not talcum powder), with a different packaging. This material was not DCA either. We ran solubility tests (This material did not dissolve in water. Real DCA does), pH and melting points tests. The identity of this compound is unknown at this time. If you received such a package, you did not receive DCA. Please contact this site.
All people received the same fraudulent certificate of analysis and falsified instructions, shown below.


The two images above are screen shots of a conversation. In them, the site claims:
They buy their DCA from Alfa Aesar
That they have treated 1000 people, with 900 showing positive results
That results take 3 weeks to 2 months
They have been doing this all year
That he is a pharmacologist
They have a doctor on staff who will answer questions in the morning.
(notice on the first screen shot that the partially covered logo is for the University of Toronto. I think they got more sales using the University of Alberta logo, so they switched back.)
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