Compounding Pharmacists
TM can be obtained from a compounding pharmacist.
"...compounding pharmacists fight that battle of non-patentable medicines with the FDA daily. Presented with a valid prescription by a knowledgeable physician, most would compound the concentrations needed for accurate dosing, whether it be TM or other alternative therapies. I certainly would be quick to use these therapies having seen the results for years." from Mark F. Binkley, D.Ph,
Compounding Pharmacist/Chemist.
"Reputable compounders across the country are members of International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP). . They have to sign in, then they can ask for the nearest compounder by zip code search. Chances are there is one very close that can help."
Here are two compounding pharmacists:
Wayne Loveland of Wisconsin.
Mark F. Binkley of Nashville Tennessee
Please feel free to contact this site with the names and contacts for other pharmacists, anywhere in the world, who can help provide TM or other hard-to-get compounds..